In December, Bowfell House was announced as the best Care Home in the North of England, at a black tie event in Leicester! Today, we had the opportunity to celebrate the award, the first big indoor party we had hosted since before the pandemic! As promised, here are some photos of our fantastic celebration!
It was a fantastic afternoon, full of music from both Rupert and Joe Cockx, a fantastic cake made by our kitchen manager, Alison, as well as some wonderfully presented cakes, put on by our partners Apetito!
We were joined by Cllr Chris Boyes, Mayor of Trafford, as well as a couple of other VIPs – Madeleine and James – the founders of the Knoll Care Partnership!
It was a truly brilliant afternoon. Joined by our people – the residents, the families, the staff – all of whom have put us in the position we’re in today – as a CQC Outstanding, Best in the North Care Home!